Madras Agricultural Journal
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Study on the rainfall climatology of Regional Research Station, Paiyur for crop planning


                                Regional Research Station, Paiyur is located in Krishnagiri taluk of Dharmapuri District and more than 80 per cent of the area is under dryland farming. The daily rainfall data for 28 years were analysed for its variability and probability. The mean annual rainfall was 918 mm with 32 per cent variability. The contribution from Winter, Summer, Southwest monsoon, Northeast monsoon periods to total rainfall was 1.3, 14.6, 49.8 and 34.3 per cent. Rains during May, July, August, September and October are more dependable. Each standard week from 29th to 46th receive a rainfall of more than 20 mm, indicating the crop growing period from July third week to November 2nd week

Key words : Rainfall, Probability, Variability, Annual, Seasonal, Weekly, MAI.


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