Madras Agricultural Journal
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Performance of hybrid rice cultures under different levels of nitrogen in combination with growth regulators


                                Field experiments were carried out during the North East Monsoon season of 1995-96 and 1996-97 with the objectives of studying the performance of newly developed rice hybrid in response to nutrient management practices and growth regulators. Rice hybrid TNRH-17 showed a good response to 175 kg N ha-1 applied in four splits along with K2O2 in both the years and gave significantly higher grain yield of 8.17 t ha-1 with foliar application of mepiquat chloride @ 1500 ml ha-1 at flowering stage. The highest returns and benefit cost ratio were recorded in the same treatment combination, compared to the other treatments.

Key words : Hybrid rice, Nitrogen, Spilt application, Growth regulators, Foliar spray.


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