Madras Agricultural Journal
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Yield and quality of grape (Vitis vinifera) cv.Muscat as affected by boron application


                                A field experiment was conducted with grapes cv.Muscat at Mathampatti, Coimbatore during summer and winter seasons of the year 2000-2001 to find out the effect of sources, levels and methods of B application on the yield and quality of grapes. The results revealed that combined application of 2.0 kg B plus 0.2 per cent foliar spray registered a maximum yield of 24.6 1 ha in winter and 26.15 t ha in summer season. the B:C ratio was higher in agribor (3.54) while in borax and boric acid it was 3.37. The treatment 2.0. kg B+0.2 per cent spray helped to increase the brix and total sugar value of the berries and at the same time reducing the acidity.

Key words : Grapes, Agribor, Borax, Yield, Quality


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