p-ISSN:0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol:89, Issue:apr-jun
DOI: and Phenotypic co-effecients of variation, heritability, and genetic advance were estimated in Seventy three single parent families of neem on Twenty six different seed, biochemical and seedling attributes. The analysis of variance indicated significant differences among the single parent families for all the characters. The GCV and PCV were the maximum for total azadirachtin and its fractions aza A, B, D and H. Heritabilitily values were high for all the parameters except for root fresh weight, shoot fresh weight and total fresh weight. High heritability combined with high genetic advance as percentage. of mean was observed for all the seed parameters, total azadirachtin and its fractions, number of leaves, root to shoot ratio and total dry weight.
Key words : Neem, PCV, GCV, Heritability, Genetic advance.
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