Madras Agricultural Journal
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COHCu 8: Anew pearlmillet hybrid for Tamil Nadu


                                The pearlmillet hybrid TNBH 5635 (732 A x PT 4450) was released as COHCu 8 during January 2001 for general cultivation in Tamil Nadu. It recorded a mean grain yield of 2819 kg ha-1 (21.7% over X7) under rainfed conditions and 3682 kg ha-1 (15.0% over X7) under irrigated conditions. It is resistant to downy mildew and possess 5-8 productive tillers with nonlodging and spindle type ear heads. The protein content is about 13.8 per cent with acceptable cooking quality. It can be grown in June" - July, September October and January February throughout Tamil Nadu and is the best alternative to X7 hybrid.

Key words : Pearlmillet, Early duration, Amber colour, Rainfed, Irrigated.


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