Madras Agricultural Journal
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Hortipastoral system for rainfed vertisols of Tamil Nadu


                                Experiments were conducted during rabi scasons of 1995-96 and 1996-97 to identify a suitable fruit tree based fodder production system for rainfed vertisol, Green fodder production was higher under mango plantation (15.25 t ha). Among the various fodder crops, fodder sorghum produced higher mean green fodder yield of 22.35 t ha'. Increased fruit yield of 2897 kg ha' was obtained in ber plantation. Fruit yield reduced by intercropping the fodder crops in between the fruit trees. Among the various fodder crops, cowpea combination has registered higher fruit yield of 2356 kg ha. Ber and sapota plantations were found suitable for raising fodder crops recording increased mean gross income of Rs. 21,032 and Rs. 18,670 ha¹ respectively.

Key words : Horti-pastoral system, Fruit trees, Fodder crops, Intercropping


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