Madras Agricultural Journal
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Influence of boron spray on grapes yield (Vitis Vinifera) cv. Muscat in Thondamuthur block of Coimbatore district


                                Two field experiments were conducted during winter and summer seasons with grapes cv. Muscat at Mathampatti, Coimbatore in the year 2000-2001 to find out the effect of foliar spray of B on the yield and quality of grapes. Among the treatments, foliar spray of 0.1 per cent agribor with freqcuncy of spraying of two times as well as three times registered higher fruit yield in winter season, while in summer season 0.2 per cent spray for one time spray was found to be better. Agribor application was quite effective in increasing the brix, total sugar content of the juice and at the same time decreasing the acidity of grape juice.

Key words : Grapes, Agribor, Borax, Frequency of spray, Concentration, Yield, Quality)


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