Madras Agricultural Journal
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Line X Tester analysis for grain yield and related characters in rice


                                Twenty seven crosses represented by a 3 lines x 9 testers design along with parents were evaluated for grain yield and related characters. Analysis of variance indicated significant variations among the crosses and parents for all the traits. Combining ability analysis showed both additive and non-additive gene action, but the latter was predominantly operative for most of the traits studied. Among the three Cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines, IR 58025A and among the nine testers, PSRM-1-16-48-1, Pusa 1040 and RAU 1411-4 were found to be good general combiners for yield and other yield attributes. The hybrids IR 68886A x Pusa 1040, IR 58025A X Gautam, IR 68886A x PSRM-1-16-48-1 were identified as good specific combinations for grain yield plant and related characters.

Key words : Rice, Line x Tester analysis, Combining ability.


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