Madras Agricultural Journal
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Relationship between expression of heterosis and parental divergen in rice


                                Fourteen indica rice genotypes studied for the genetic diversity were grouped into five clusters by Mahalanobis D2 analysis. Cluster I consisted of ten genotypes, cluster II, III, IV and V consisteed of single genotype each viz. ADT 40, CR 1009, HA 891037 and Improved White Ponni respectively. Filled grains number per panicle followed by days to 50 per cent flowering contributed the maximum to the genetic divergence. Cluster III exhibited relatively high mean value for days to 50 per cent flowering and grain yield. The highest contribution to the maximum divergence was made by filled grains number per panicle followed by days to 50 per cent flowering and plant height. Hybrids between parents from inter clusters produced higher heterosis than the parents from intra cluster.

Key words : Indica rice, diversity analysis, expression of heterosis, correlation.


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