Madras Agricultural Journal
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CO(CP) 7: A new high yielding mutant variety of cowpea


                                The cowpea culture COCP 702, a 20 kR gamma ray mutant derivative of CO 4 tested in station and district trials and as Co Vu 702 in the All India Coordinated trials of Arid legumes was released as a new cowpea variety CO(CP) 7 for general. cultivation in Tamil Nadu. The culture COCP 702 recorded an average yield of 900 kg/ha registering 18.9, 19.3 and 14.3 per cent increased yield over CO 6, P 152 (C 152) and Vamban 1 varieties respectively, when it was tested in 144 trials including 104 trials under farmers holdings (ART). It is suitable for cultivation in all the three seasons, where cowpea is grown in Tamil Nadu and it matures in 65-70 days. The resistance levels of this culture against major pests and diseases are on par with CO 6. The grain colour, appearance, flavour, texture and taste of COCP 702 is more preferred by the consumers compared to CO 6.

Key words : CO(CP) 7, Cowpea, Mutant, Gamma ray, New variety.


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