Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Combined Application of Polygala elata extract and Eucalyptus obliqua Oil on Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) Fruit Rot Disease Incidence


                                Antifungal activity of plant extracts from forty different plant species and essential oils from five plants belonging to diverse taxonomic group were ascertained in vitro through mycelial growth and spore germination assays against Colletotrichum capsici isolated from anthracnose of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.). Poisoned food technique was performed to investigate antifungal effect of plant extracts and essential oil in vitro. The extract of Polygala elata and essential oil from Eucalyptus oblique arrested growth and sporulation of C. capsici effectively. The leaf extract of P. elata recorded the lowest mycelial growth of 2.33 mm accounting 72.79 per cent inhibition and was followed by Datura metal and the maximum growth of test fungus was documented in Eclipta alba. The extent of inhibition of the fungus by other extracts ranged between 6.24 to 65.35 per cent. Further, the combination of these two products suppressed the fruit rot disease incidence in chilli under field.

Key words : Polygala elata, Eucalyptus oblique, Plant extracts, Colletotrichum capsici, Control


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