Madras Agricultural Journal
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Influence of composted bagassepith and treated paper mill effluent irrigation on groundnut


                                A field experiment was conducted at Tamil Nadu Newsprints and Papers" Limited Model Farm, Moolimangalam to assess the impact of treated paper mill effluent irrigation and composted bagassepith (BP) on yield and quality of groundnut crop and biochemical properties of soil. Composted bagassepith is identified as an effective ameliorant, which overcomes the ill effects of paper mill effluent polluted soil environments. Bagassepith compost obtained by mixing bagassepith and activated sludge @ 1:1 ratio along with 100% of recommended NPK increased the growth characters, yield attributes, pod yield and quality parameters of groundnut TMV-7 under polluted soil environment due to continuous land application of treated paper mill effluent in light textured soils. The soil bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes populations and the N, P and K uptake were also increased due to combined application of composted bagassepith and effluent irrigation.

Key words : Paper mill effluent, Bagassepith compost, Yield and quality of groundnut and soil properties.


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