Madras Agricultural Journal
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Response of rainfed wheat to sowing methods and seed rate under diaran land condition


                                A field study was conducted during 2000-01 and 2001-02 at Raunahi site of Saryu diara, Faizabad to study the effect of different sowing methods and seed rate on yield and economics of wheat crop under rainfed diara land condition. Cross sowing (20x20cm) gave significantly higher effective tillers (335.7 and 324.2/m²) grain yield (4383 and 4170 kg ha¹), straw yield 5555 and 5221 kg ha) and monetary return (Rs.27806 and 28438 ha) as compared to other sowing methods. Higher radiation use efficiency (1.95 and 1.82 g MJ) was recorded with cross sowing narrow sowing, line sowing and broadcasting methods. Maximum radiation interception (93.0 and 91.6 per cent) was recorded with narrow sowing followed by cross sowing (89.7 and 87.3 per cent) over broadcasting (78.0 and 75.7 per cent) and line sowing (89.3 and 84.0 per cent). Line sowing proved its superiority over broadcasting in all respect. The seed rate of 125 kg ha found to be most economical compared with 100 and 150 kg seed ha-1.

Key words : Sowing methods, Seed rate, Grain yield, RUE, Economics.


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