Madras Agricultural Journal
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Bio-mechanical analysis on selected agricultural hand tools


                                Bio-mechanical analysis of agricultural hand tools viz. crowbar, hand hoc, spade and sickle was conducted. Pertinent anthropometric parameters of male and female farm workers of the southern districts of Tamil Nadu were measured. A bio- mechanical analysis on the work posture indicated that the reaction force on neck. for the operation of crowbar, different spades, hand hoes and sickle were 21.8, 24- 26, 17-21 and 18.9 kg respectively. The crowbar and spade caused 21.8 kg and 88- 110 kg of reaction forces respectively on biceps. The same for hand hoe and sickle was 41 and 2.6 kg respectively. The reaction force due to hand grip was 4.8 and 1-1.3 kg for crow bar and spade respectively. The reaction force on lumbosacral joint for spade, hand hoe and sickel was 248-394, 311-388 and 280 kg respectively. It was negligible for crow bar.

Key words : Bio-mechanics, Hand tools, Reaction force, Fatigue.


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