Madras Agricultural Journal
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Integrated phosphorus nutrition system for blackgram - ragi sequence


                                Studies on the effect of phosphatic fertilizer alone and in combination with organics and inoculants on black gram-ragi sequence were conducted at the Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute Farm, Kumulur, Trichirappalli during 1999. 2000 and 2000-2001. The results revealed that there was a positive response for the application of phosphorous and the highest seed and haulm yields were recorded with 100 per cent P20s based on soil test value with pressmud and Phosphobacteria. Application of P fertilizer alone showed a depletion of available P with the advancement of stage of cropping but in combination with pressmud a positive balance was observed. Among the organics, the application of pressmud performed better than FYM. The residual effect of P was found to be higher while conjoint incorporation of inorganic P with pressmud and phosphobacteria than applying P alone.

Key words : Blackgram, ragi, phosphorus, pressmud, FYM, Balance.


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