Madras Agricultural Journal
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Ecologically Sustainable Pest Management for Thrips and Aphids in Groundnut


                                Two field experiments were conducted in groundnut for the management of aphids and thrips in an ecologically sustainable manner during 2014 - 15 at Agricultural Research Station, Bhavanisagar. The results showed that seed treatment with imidacloprid 70 FS 5 ml/kg followed by spraying with thiamethoxam 25 WG at 0.4 ml/l at 30 DAS (or) seed treatment with imidacloprid 70 FS at 5 ml/kg of seed followed by spraying with neem seed kernel extract (NSKE) 5% at 30 DAS + placing yellow sticky trap at 25/ha. at 30 DAS+ raising cow pea as trap crop+ release of green lace wing predator Chrysoperla zastrowi at 30 DAS @ 2500 / ha. (or) spraying neem oil 2% at weekly interval from 20 DAS five times (or) basal application of neem cake @ 250 kg/ha.+ placing yellow sticky trap @ 25/ha. at 20 DAS+ release of green lace wing predator C. zastrowi @ 2500 /ha. at 20 DAS+ Azadirachtin 1% spray at 2 ml/l. at 30 DAS + raising cow pea as trap crop/ cumbu as intercrop recorded significantly lower population of thrips and aphids along with higher pod yield. These pest management approaches are useful in formulating ecologically sustainable biointensive IPM strategies.

Key words : Groundnut, Sucking Pests, Sustainable Pest Management


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