Madras Agricultural Journal
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Characterisation and Purification of Crude Glycerol Recovered from Transesterification of Jatropha curcus oil


                                Glycerol, a by-product obtained from transesterification of Jatropha curcus oil was analysed for different characteristics, using standard test methods and a preliminary study was undertaken to purify the crude glycerol. The characteristic analysis of crude glycerol, namely, pH, soap content, ash content had the average values of 10.25, 3.97per cent and 2.03 per cent, respectively. On average, 41.8 per cent distilled glycerol was recovered during refining process. The average methanol and water contents distilled over were found to be 5 and 11.4 per cent, respectively. The mean pH of the distilled glycerol was found to be 1/3rd of the pH of the crude glycerol. The soap content was nil and ash content was found to be 0.051 per cent in the distilled glycerol.

Key words : Characterisation, Purification, Crude glycerol and Distilled glycerol


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