Madras Agricultural Journal
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Influence of irrigation regime and planting methods on weed flora and performance of puddled lowland rice


                                Field experiments were conducted during Kar and Pishanam seasons of 2000-2001 at Agricultural college and Research Institute, Killikulam to find out the effect of irrigation and stand establishment techniques on weeds, grain yield and economics of rice. The result revealed that adoption of continuous submergence with line transplanting recorded lower weed density of 32 and 21 No. m² and weed DMP (34 and 22 kg ha) in Kar and Pishanam seasons respectively. The significant increase in yield were recorded by irrigation to 5 cm depth on disappearance of previously ponded water either with line transplanting (S) or with throwing of seedlings (S.). Increased net return and B:C ratios of 2.44 and 2.35 were recorded by irrigation to 5 cm depth on disappearance of previously ponded water with throwing of seedlings for Kar and Pishanam seasons respectively.

Key words : Irrigation, Establishment methods, Weed control, Productivity and Economics.


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