Madras Agricultural Journal
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Standardization of Salt Solution Concentration for Upgrading CORH 3 Hybrid Rice and its Parental Line Seeds by Floatation Technique


                                Studies were under taken to standardize the concentration of salt solution for upgrading CORH 3 hybrid rice and its parental line seeds through floatation technique in the Department of Seed Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Coimbatore. Considering the various seed quality attributes such as seed recovery (68.6 %, 93.6 % and 71.4 % in A line, R line and hybrid respectively), separation of split husk seeds (1.2 %, 0.06 % and 4.2 % in A line, R line and hybrid respectively), seed germination (85 %, 93 % and 92 % in A line, R line and hybrid respectively) and vigour (2822, 3352 and 3329 in A line, R line and hybrid respectively), grading the seeds by floatation method using six per cent sodium chloride salt solution was found to be the optimum for seed quality up gradation in CORH 3 hybrid rice and its parental lines for various physical and physiological attributes studied.

Key words : Hybrid rice seed, upgrading, seed quality, floatation technique


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