Madras Agricultural Journal
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Optimization of Dormancy Breaking Treatments for Germination Improvement of Glory Lily (Gloriosa superba L.) Seeds


                                An experiment conducted to optimize the seed dormancy breaking treatment in Glory lily (Gloriosa superba L.) revealed that soaking the seeds in hot water (boiled to 100° C and removed from the flame) for 40 minutes had effectively improved the seed germination (62 %), seedling length (27.1 cm), seedling dry matter (181.0 mg) and vigour index (1680) accompanied with less hard seeds (15 %) and minimum abnormal seedlings (14 %), compared to acid scarification with concentrated H2 SO4 for 2 minutes that improved the germination (52 %) over non-scarified seeds (22 %), but led to the development of abnormal seedlings (14 %) and dead seeds (12 %) at an increased level

Key words : Glory lily, seed dormancy, hot water soaking, germination, vigor


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