Madras Agricultural Journal
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Combining Ability in CMS/GMS Based Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.,) Hybrids


                                Twenty seven hybrids were developed utilizing three lines (two CMS and one GMS) and nine testers and their hybrids were evaluated for ten characters in order to understand the gene action in pigeonpea. The combining ability analysis revealed that variances due to dominance was higher than variances due to additive for all characters indicating the preponderance of non additive gene action governing these traits. Among the lines, MS CO5 and among the testers, CORG 9060, PA 128, CORG 7 and ICPL 83027 were the best general combiners for seed yield. Most of the crosses showing significant sca effects involved one good and one poor or even negative general combiners. The crosses MS CO 5 x CORG 9060, MS CO 5 x PA 128, MS CO5 x CORG 7 , MS CO5 x ICPL 83027 and CORG 990047 A x APK 1 would be suitable for exploiting heterosis for increased pod in pigeonpea.

Key words : Pigeonpea, lines, testers, high yield, combining ability, gene action


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