Madras Agricultural Journal
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Influence of Nutrient Pelleting on Seed Quality of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)


                                Studies on seed pelleting with different micronutrients such as ZnSO4 , FeSO4 , CuSO4 , MnSO4 and Borax @ 300 mgkg-1 of seeds using Azospirillum as filler material and 10% maida as adhesive revealed that among the micronutrients, the performance of MnSO4 (300 mgkg-1 of seeds) was the best which recorded 9 per cent higher germination than control. The hike in germination was also supported by the enhancement in the evaluated vigour parameters viz., seedling length, drymatter production and vigour index. Storability of seeds evaluated after 4 months of storage also confirmed the better performance of MnSO4 pelleted seed which recorded 9 per cent higher germination over control.

Key words : Seed pelleting, azospirillum, vigour index, micronutrients


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