Madras Agricultural Journal
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Influence of Seed Treatment with Potassium Nitrate and Thiourea on Germination and Seedling Vigour of Teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f)


                                Studies were conducted to find out the influence of presowing treatments on germination and seedling vigour of 9 month-old teak drupes (fruit with seed). The presowing treatments included were soaking in water followed by drying (S-D) for 6days at 12 hr interval, S-D for 5 days at 12 hr interval and 6th day soaking in ten different concentrations of potassium nitrate and thio urea (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0,3.5 4.0, 4.5 and 5.0%) solution separately for 12 hr with dry drupes as control. The results revealed that soaking and drying of drupes for 5 days at an interval of 12hr followed by soaking in 1% KNO3 or 2% thiourea gave 40% and 36% germination (23% over control) respectively. In addition to enhanced germination, in treated drupes, early emergence (12days) with more number of seedling/100 drupes and better seedling vigour were observed.

Key words : Tectona grandis, potassium nitrate, thiourea, S-D treatment, seedling vigour


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