Madras Agricultural Journal
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Vegetative Propagation of Annatto( Bixa orellana) (Linn.)


                                Improvement of forest species through breeding is difficult due to long generation times and operational difficulties. As a result, genetic gains in forestry have been few. Vegetative propagation is an effective tool for improvement in forestry and there has been growing interest in using clonal forestry techniques. Rooted branch cuttings are currently emphasized due to their advantages over other methods. In this study, semi-hardwood cuttings were used for propagation of Bixa orellana trees in Tamil Nadu. Superior trees were identified and cuttings were collected, treated with hormones and planted. The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of vegetative propagation using semi-hardwood cuttings.

Key words : Clonal forestry techniques, rooted branch cuttings and vegetative propagation


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