Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of seed grading on seed quality in Harar (Terminalia chebula Retz.)


                                Terminalia chebula Retz., commonly known as ‘Harar,’ is a tree distributed throughout most of India. Its most important produce is the fruit, known as myrobalans or chebulic myrobalans, which is used for medicinal purposes, tanning, ink-making, and dyeing. The dried flesh surrounding the seed contains 30-32% tannin. Good quality planting stock is important for forest nursery production, and seed grading can improve the physical and physiological quality of the seed lot. In this study, T. chebula fruits collected from Kunchappanai in Nilgiri district were graded into different groups based on size and specific gravity using visual observation and floatation methods.

Key words : Tannin content, good quality planting stock and forest nursery production


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