Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on Inheritance of Some Qualitative Characters in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. (Em.) Thell.)


                                A study of inheritance of plant height and plant colour will help to strengthen a sound breeding programme and better evalution of segregating population for these characteristics. The material consisted of four genotypes viz., Kh65, HD4530, WS-5 and Job 89, Two crosses viz., HD4530 x Kh 65 and WS- 5 x Kh 65 were made between Kh65, a tall wheat cultivar and HD 4530 a semi dwarf and WS-5 a dwarf cultivar. These observations indicated that two gene pairs were involved in the inheritance of plant height. In the cross SD 4530 x Kh 65 dwarf is dominant over tall phenotype at both the gene paris. Dominants at both the gene paris when present together produced semidwarf character While in the corss Ws-5 x Kh 5 semi dwarf is dominant over tall at both the gene paris and domiants at both the gene pairs when present together produced dwarf character

Key words : Semi-dwarf, hexaploid, Inheritance, Kh65, HD4530, WS-5 and Job 89


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