Madras Agricultural Journal
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A new trap model to increase the trapping of Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Laemophloeidae) in wheat filled containers


                                A two in one model trap was designed by combining the features of TNAU probe and pit fall traps to trap the rusty grain beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus in stored grain. The efficiency of the new model was studied in comparison with the probe and pit fall traps and found that significantly more beetles were caught in newly designed one. Trapped beetles were more at 28°C within the trap models. We hope that the proposed model will be more effective to predict the potential migrants early so that, further multiplication in storage can be prevented. This two in one model trap can capture the C. ferrugineus adults both under normal temperature conditions (while beetles are moving downward) and during winter (while moving towards the central core of granaries) which are the two important situations, the wheat filled granaries in North America face with C. ferrugineus distribution

Key words : two in one model, Cryptolestes ferrugineus, pit fall traps


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