Madras Agricultural Journal
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Antifungal activity analysis of Calotropis procera


                                Calotropis procera (R. Br.) is a semi woody weed plant belongs to Asclepidaceae, family commonly known as arka, madar, mudar etc., The various parts of the giant milkweed tissues possess numerous medicinal properties, especially the root bark due to the presence of resin, cardenolids, steroid glucosides etc. To evaluate the antifungal activity of Calotropis procera, HPLC analysis of free fatty acid methyl ester and antifungal activity against Fusurium, Trochosporium vesiculatwn using the samples of methanol extract, water extract and ethyl acetate extract was carried out. Isolates of fungal pathogens viz. Fusarium and T. vesiculatum were made from freshly prepared disease samples. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was used as control. The setups were incubated for 72hours at 28 ±2°c. Observations were made on the growth of fungal mycelium as influenced by the plant extracts. The three extracts of C. procera. viz, methonal, ethyl acetate and water have exhibited antifungal activity against Fusarium and T. vesiculosum.

Key words : Calotropis procera, HPLC, DMSO, antifungal activity


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