Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of crop geometry and topping practices on the productivity of baby corn (Zea mays L.) based intercropping systems


                                Field experiments were conducted during the kharif season of 2006 and 2007 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. The main plot treatments comprised of two factors viz., crop geometry (60 x 20 cm and 75 x 16 cm) and intercropping systems (baby corn alone, baby corn + fenugreek (greens), baby corn + fodder cowpea). Four topping practices (detasseling alone, topping beyond 9th internode, topping beyond 10th internode and topping beyond 11th internode) were assigned to sub plots. Baby corn raised at 75 x 16 cm produced higher yield parameters and yield over 60 x 20 cm spacing. Intercropping of fenugreek and fodder cowpea did not reduce the yield of baby corn. Topping beyond 10th internode favourably influenced the yield parameters viz., length, diameter of cobs and corns and green cob yield of baby corn.

Key words : Baby corn, crop geometry, intercropping systems, topping practices, yield parameters and yield.


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