Madras Agricultural Journal
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Productivity and profitability of tossa jute (corchorus olitorius) under different weed management practices in jute – toria cropping system


                                A field experiment was conducted during 2005-06 and 2006-07 in the experimental farm of Regional Agricultural Research Station, Shillongani, Nagaon, Assam to study the effect of different chemical and cultural methods of weed control in tossa jute on fibre yield and economics of weed management practices. Among all the methods of weed management, cultural method of weed control by two hand weeding (at 3 and 5 WAS) resulted the tallest plant height, basal diameter, lowest dry weight of weeds by the jute crop which ultimately resulted the highest fibre yield. Another cultural management viz. mulching with locally available cheap organic waste (wheat straw) @ 10 t/ha recorded the second highest fibre yield which was only 4.3 per cent lower than the highest fibre yield. Among chemical control method Quizalofop ethyl @ 50g ai/ha + adjuvant @ 1ml/lit of water (21 days post emergence) + one hand weeding recorded the highest fibre yield. The highest net return and B:C ratio was recorded under mulching with locally available cheap organic waste (wheat straw) @ 10 t/ha treatment. Second highest B:C ratio was obtained under Intercropping of jute + red amaranthus treatment followed by Quizalofop ethyl @ 50g ai/ha + adjuvant @ 1ml/lit of water (21 days post emergence) + one hand weeding treatment. There was no residual effect of weed control treatments on toria yield.

Key words : Cropping system, toria, tossa jute and weed


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