Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of nutrient management on grain yield and nutrient uptake of advance kar rice based cropping system in Tambaraparani Command Area


                                Integrated application of green manure @ 6.25 t ha-1 and 100 per cent NPK fertilizer enhanced the nutrient uptake and recorded higher grain yield of advance kar rice. The residual effect of integrated nutrient managements adopted to advance kar rice increased the nutrient uptake and grain yield of rice fallow blackgram. Combined application of green manure and 100 per cent NPK fertilizer to advance kar rice, raising rice fallow blackgram preceding to pishanam rice and application of 100 per cent NPK fertilizer to pishanam rice recorded higher nutrient uptake, grain yield and soil available nutrients, which was on par with 25 per cent lesser P and K and 25 per cent lesser NPK to pishanam rice. The results indicate that reduction of 25 per cent NPK fertilizer to pishanam rice can be achieved through adoption of green manuring along with recommended NPK to advance kar rice and cropping blackgram preceding to pishanam rice without reduction in yield.

Key words : Nutrient management, Rice, Rice fallow blackgram, Cropping system


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