Madras Agricultural Journal
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Impact of Bioregulators on Phytochemicals and Quality of Black Night Shade Solanum nigrum


                                Studies on influence of bioregulators (Panchagavya, leaf extracts of mukia, moringa, prosophis and root extract of withania) for yield and quality in Solanum nigrum indicated that the total drymatter production was favourably increased due to the application of all the bioregulators when compared to the control. Among these bioregulators, Panchagavya four per cent foliar spray registered highest drymatter production of 23.56 g and single plant yield of 73.10 g followed by moringa five per cent foliar spray recording 20.45 g and 69.98 g respectively. The quality parameters like leaf and fruit solasodine content, ascorbic acid, total soluble solids, total phenolics and solasodine content were maximum enhanced with the application of Panchagavya. The High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) analysis of various compounds present in hexane extract showed the impact of Panchagavya in production of greater number of phytochemicals.

Key words : Bioregulators, Solanum nigrum, Panchagavya, Moringa, Mukia, Prosophis, Withania,


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