Madras Agricultural Journal
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Awareness, Knowledge and Adoption of Reclamation Practices in Sodic Soil of Tiruchirappalli District in Tamil Nadu


                                An ex-post-facto research was undertaken during 2011-2012 with the objectives to assess the knowledge and extent of adoption of reclamation practices in sodic soil by farmers of Tiruchirappalli district in Tamil Nadu. Survey of 100 farmers was conducted in five villages of Manikandam block where sodicity of soil is higher. The findings revealed that almost three- fourths of the respondents had medium overall awareness and more than three-fourth of them had medium overall knowledge level and adoption level of recommended reclamation practices. More than 90.00 per cent of the farmers did not adopt the practice- application of sugar industrial effluents and application of mineral amendments. The Correlation analysis showed that overall awareness and knowledge of the farmers were the significant determinants of adoption of reclamation technologies.

Key words : Sodic soil, Reclamation practices, Awareness, Knowledge, Adoption


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