Madras Agricultural Journal
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Standardisation of Glycerinisation Technique for Fragile Foliages


                                Processing techniques in dry flower industry assume great significance in determining the final quality of dry flower products. Preserving plant materials by glycerinisation with glycols is experimented on fragile leaves. The treatment T 3 (Glycerine 30% followed Ethylene glycol 30%) resulted in enhancement of quality characteristics for Myrtus sp., Thuja orientalis, Eucalyptus glaucescens and Asparagus virgatus in terms of percentage of minimum moisture loss (34.22, 25.51, 26.81 and 9.15, respectively. The pigment concentration viz., chlorophyll ‘a’, ‘b’ and total chlorophyll contents (0.877, 1.726, 1.685 and 1.406 mg g -1 respectively were also superior. The leaves scored better for quality parameters viz., texture and shape retention. As an improved glycerinisation technique 30 % Glycerine followed by 30 % Ethylene glycol resulted in soft near to natural leaves with minimum moisture loss and with maximum colour and shape retention.

Key words : Dry flower industry, Glycerinisation, Foliages, Quality


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