Madras Agricultural Journal
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Correlation Analysis Among Oil Yield and Component Traits in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)


                                The correlation coefficients among ten yield and yield attributing characters towards oil yield were investigated in F 3 generation for three crosses of groundnut during Jan – Apr. 2013. Oil yield had significant and positive correlation with number of pods per plant, 100-pods weight, 100-kernels weight, shell weight, shelling percentage and pod yield per plant in all the crosses viz., ICGV 00440 x ICGV 03128, ICGV 07359 x ICGV 05100 and ICGV 05100 x Sunoleic95R. All these traits had positive correlation among themselves. In case of cross ICGV 07359 x ICGV 05100 alone, oil yield had positive and significant correlation with kernel yield per plant and oil content. The trait, number of branches had significant and negative correlation with oil yield in all the crosses. Hence, number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, 100- kernels weight, shell weight, shelling percentage and pod yield per plant may be considered as selection indices for oil yield per plant.

Key words : Groundnut, Oil yield, Selection indices.


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