Madras Agricultural Journal
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Yield Gap Analysis of Kharif Groundnut Cultivation Through Front Line Demonstration in Plateau Ecosystem 418


                                This study was undertaken in Deogarh district of Orissa coming under North-Western plateau agro climatic zone. Front Line Demonstration on groundnut was taken by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Deogarh during kharif season from 2007-08 to 2010-11 for fifty farmers. Timely sowing, interculture with integrated nutrient management (INM) practices like application of Paper Mill Sludge (PMS) 5q ha -1 , gypsum 2.5q ha -1 and recommended dose of fertiliser were found the factors behind the average yield gap of 3.9q ha -1 . It was observed that the BC ratio was 1.76 for farmers’ practice and was 2.14 for recommended practice during 2010-11. Farmers perceived the variety and time of sowing were the major factors contributing to yield gap.

Key words : Groundnut, Yield gap, Net return, Sustainability, BC ratio


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