Madras Agricultural Journal
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Standardization of Soaking Duration and Volume of Solution for Fortification of Tomato, Brinjal and Chilli Seeds 370


                                An investigation was carried out to standardize the soaking duration and volume of solution for fortification of tomato, brinjal and chilli seeds. The treatments consisted of five soaking durations (3, 6, 12, 24 and 36h) and 3 soaking volumes (two third, equal and double the volume) and control replicated four times in factorial completely randomized block design (FCRD). Results indicated that significant enhancement of germination by all soaking durations and volume of solution. The maximum germination was obtained under 12h soaking duration in double the volume of water for tomato and 12 h soaking duration with equal volume of water for brinjal and chilli.

Key words : Tomato, brinjal, chilli, soaking duration, soaking volume, seed germination


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