Nutrient Uptake Rate and Relationship With Grain Yields of Hybrid Maize Under Drip Fertigation
Author:T. Sampathkumar and B.J. Pandian
p-ISSN:0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol:98, Issue:apr-jun
Field experiment was conducted at Agricultural College and Research Institute, Coimbatore
during summer, 2007 to study the effect of drip fertigation levels and frequencies on nutrient
uptake rate and relationship with grain yields of hybrid maize. Four fertigation frequencies
(once in 6, 9,12 and 15 days), two fertilizer levels (100 and 150 percent of RDF), surface irrigation
with 100 per cent RDF and absolute control (no fertilizer) were included as treatments in this
study. Supply of 150 per cent of RDF once in 6 days (T 5 ) recorded significantly higher nutrient
uptake than 100 per cent of RDF. Absolute control (T10 ) recorded the lowest plant nutrient
uptake rate followed by surface irrigation with 100 per cent RDF (T9) for NPK throughout the
cropping period. The results revealed that application of nutrients through fertigation very
frequently (once in six days) with 150 per cent RDF (T 5 ) recorded higher uptake rate for all
nutrients. The uptake rate of nutrients during 30-60 DAS was twice higher than the initial
stage (0-30 DAS) for Nitrogen (N) and Potassium (K). With respect to Phosphorus, it was
higher during 30-60 DAS and the increment was slightly higher than initial stage unlike N and K.
Correlation Analysis indicated that N and K were highly correlated with grain yield than P.
Key words : Drip fertigation, hybrid maize, nutrient uptake.