Author:Uday Chand Jha, D.P. Singh, Pronob Jyoti Paul and G. Roopa Lavanya
p-ISSN:0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol:98, Issue:apr-jun
DOI: experiment was conducted to study the pattern of morphological variation for nine characters in 25 elite chickpea lines and five check varieties by Metroglyph and Index score method. Seven progenies of a wide cross were represented by the open circle, 18 progenies of intervarietal crosses by closed circle and the five checks by semi closed circle. Two most variable characters, grain yield/ plant and primary branches/ plant were selected for X and Y axis, respectively. Scatter diagram revealed that maximum numbers of genotypes (9) were found in group III. Metroglyph and Index score analysis revealed maximum variability for different characters in third and sixth group which comprised nine and eight genotypes, respectively. The highest index score observed was 23 for genotypes Pusa 256 and PGO42.
Key words : Metroglyph, Index score, Intervarietal crosses
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