Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of biopesticides as seed dressers on germination and growth of bhendi


                                Among the various options for applications, seed treatment is one of the best methods, as insecticidal seed treatment not only ensures the presence of insecticide residues throughout seedling stage when the plant is most vulnerable to sucking pests like aphids, leafhoppers and whiteflies, but it also relatively inexpensive and easy to adopt when compared to foliar spray or soil application. But some chemicals may inhibit germination and affect the phenology of plants. With this point in view, the present study was taken up to exploit the utility of various formulations of seed dressers and biopesticides for the control of insects ravaging bhendi to assess the biological compatibility and to find out the biochemical changes in plants due to seed treatment.

Key words : Biopesticides, seed dressers, Bhendi


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