Madras Agricultural Journal
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Nutrient availability vis-a-vis uptake in CORH2 rice as influenced by split application of N


Nitrogen is a major plant nutrient element essential for growth and development of a crop and for maximizing and sustaining higher yield. The indigenous nitrogen supply is inadequate in case of rice which is a heavy feeder of nitrogen. Addition of sufficient level of nitrogenous fertilizer synchronizing to the demand of the crop at well defined physiological stages is the prerequisite for maintaining the nitrogen supply in the soil and sustaining higher yield of rice. The information for calibrating the optimum doses of N by relating the doses of N added with yields is lacking with special reference to CORH2 hybrid rice. In view of the above, an attempt was made to study N availability vis-a-vis uptake in CORH2 hybrid rice in Periyar Vaigai command area as influenced by split applications of graded levels of N.

Keywords: Nitrogen application, CORH2 rice


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