Madras Agricultural Journal
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Response of hybrid maize (Zea mays L.) to soil and foliar application of nutrients


                                Maize has higher production potential in Tamil Nadu, especially under irrigated conditions. Development of hybrid maize has broken the yield barrier to a greater extent. It is well known that maize, that too hybrid maize is heavy feeder on nutrients. Bedsides soil application of nutrients, it is important to feed the hybrid maize through foliar application of nutrients and micronutrients. Zinc and sulphur were found to be the yield limiting nutrients in many of the long-term fertilizer experiments (Nambiar, 1994). Studies on the nutrient requirement of hybrid maize with various integrating factors such as inorganics, organics and foliar feeding of DAP, MOP and micronutrients are scanty. Hence, the present study was proposed to study the effect of above factors on hybrid maize at North Western agro climatic zone of Tamil Nadu.

Key words : Hybrid maize, foliar nutrients and soil nutrients


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