Madras Agricultural Journal
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Variability and Heritability Analysis in Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.)R. Br.)


                                Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) is an major coarse cereal crop of India and Africa. Its importance as a source of food and feed would continue in marginal lands situated in low rainfall areas. The development of superior varieties / hybrids depends on the magnitude of genetic variability and heritability present in the source material. The extent of variability is measured by GCV and PCV which provides information about relative amount of variation in different characters. To have a better knowledge about the amount of genetic advance to be expected by phenotypic selection, genotypic coefficient of variation with heritability estimates is needed.

Key words : Pearl Millet, Variability analysis, GCV and PCV


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