Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on foam mat drying of whole egg liquid in cabinet dryer


                                Foam-mat drying studies were conducted with foamed whole egg liquids at different temperatures viz., 60, 65 and 70°C and at different foam-mat thicknesses of 1, 3 and 5 mm. The drying characteristics and biochemical qualities were determined and statistically analyzed. Quality factors like the colour, rehydration ratio, water activity and solubility were determined for foam-mat dried whole egg powders. Based on these experimental values, best treatment for the whole egg powder was optimized. The percentage of foam expansion for whole egg liquid was found to be 243.5 ± 12.5 per cent. From the statistical analysis of foam mat dried egg powders, it was observed that one mm thickness samples dried at 60°C retained higher biochemical and nutritional content when compared to samples dried at 65 and 70°C for 3 and 5 mm foam thicknesses respectively. The rehydration ratio, foamability of rehydrated foam mat dried whole egg and solubility of foam were observed as 3.70 ± 0.2, 236 ± 13.5 and 93.5 ± 5.3 per cent, respectively.

Key words : Whole egg liquid, foam mat drying, rehydration ratio, solubility


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