Madras Agricultural Journal
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Performance evaluation of basin lister cum seeder


                                A basin lister cum seeder was developed as a rear mounted attachment to four wheel tractor of 35-45 hp range. It consists of common cultivator components, a three bottom basin lister and a cup feed type seeder. In laboratory calibration and field performance evaluation, the seed rate increased with increase in peripheral velocity of cup from 0.122 m/s to 0.356 m/s and further increase in peripheral velocity reduced the seed rate. The recommended seed rate was obtained for a forward speed of operation of 1.11 m/s. The seed spacing was influenced by forward speed of operation in laboratory condition. The forward speed of operation of 1.06 m/s registered the minimum standard deviation (0.83 per cent) from recommended spacing. The deviation of the basin profile was minimum upto a forward speed of operation of 1.11 m/s and thereafter the deviation was higher. Hence, the forward speed of operation was optimized as 1.11 m / s, considering the desired seed rate, seed spacing and basin profile. The average draft and fuel consumption of the unit was 2600 N and 4.11 I / h respectively. The field capacity of the unit was 0.49 ha/h with a field efficiency of 68.06 per cent. The basin lister cum seeder registered minimum value of (1.03) per cent deviation from the recommended spacing in the field. The standard deviation (1.211), coefficient of variation (0.0399) were the least for basin lister cum seeder treatment, in the field. This unit planted majority of hills with the recommended number of seeds. This unit also gave more uniform depth of seed placement when compared to conventional method. The basin lister cum seeder recorded the minimum deviation of (+) 35.05 per cent and (-) 4.74 per cent from recommended plant population before and after thinning respectively.

Key words : Basin lights, seeds, evaluation, performance, peripheral velocity.


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