Madras Agricultural Journal
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Rural women self-help group members – A profile analysis


                                The study was conducted in Kancheepuram, Thanjavur and Tiruchirappalli districts of Tamil Nadu selecting 300 respondents of rural women, possessing cultivable land and membership in self-help groups. Rural self-help group women developed savings habit to a maximum extent( 95.33%) capitalize the loan benefit (93.66%) due of joining in self-help groups. Frequent visit to adjacent city / town (5.33%), frequent meeting without prior intimation (5.00%), intense family problems (3.66%), training at far away places (1.33%), less profit (0.33%) from the enterprises started due to joining self_x0002_help groups ceased enrollment, more than one – fourth (26.67%) of members had undergone more than five trainings,more than three-fourth majority (79.33%) of them had acquired medium to high level of communication status, more than three-fourth (80.00%) had medium to high level of information seeking behaviour, majority of the respondents had shared the information with medium to high level (92.33%) , possessed high level of economic motivation (81.33%). About 91.00 per cent of the respondents had medium to high level of innovativeness and risk preference (84.34%). Cent per cent of the SHG members have had medium to high level of achievement motivation

Key words : Women, self held group, motivation, behaviour.


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