Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and yield attributes of lowland rice


                                Rice is the most important and extensively grown food crop of the world in general and of India in particular. High cost of fertilizer and the low purchasing capacity of the small marginal peasants of the country, restrict the use of fertilizer inputs. Under such condition, there is need to explore the possibilities of using the native renewable sources of the plant nutrition. The bio-organic and organic manures are getting global importance for rice cultivation, since the efficiency of applied mineral nutrients by the crop is markedly influenced in presence of this readily available sources viz. various organic manures. The FYM is very common source of plant nutrients amongst the farmers of Chhattisgarh which is prepared easily and contains substantial amount of plant nutrients. Rice straw is also a good source of organic manure, which helps in maintenance of soil organic matter and in improving soil physical condition and biological activity. Green manure crop, Sunnhemp (Crotoleria juncea) is also well known for its role in soil fertility and supplying a part of nutrient requirement in the rice based cropping, as it contains high amount of N, P, K and micronutrients but it requires sufficient water prior to transplanting for complete decomposition.

Key words : Lowland rice, integrated nutrient management, rice yield


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