Madras Agricultural Journal
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Influence of nitrogen levels and its time of application on yield and quality parameters of hybrid cotton


                                Cotton or ‘White gold’ is a premier cash crop and one of the prominent industrial crops of India generating sizeable employment. Cotton accounts for around 70 percent of total fibre consumption in the textile sector, which account for nearly 20 percent of India’s industrial production. Nearly one third of the foreign exchange is earned by cotton and textile exports. The price of cotton is governed by its fibre quality, fibre length, fineness and bundle strength along with higher ginning out turn are the most important quality parameters. At present hybrids are contributing 50 percent of the country’s total production. The growth rate of long and extra long staple was 6-7 percent due to predominant role of hybrids. The information pertaining to nitrogen levels and its time of application on quality of cotton is meagre. Therefore, the present investigation was undertaken to find out the optimum nitrogen levels and its time of application on the quality of hybrid cotton TCHB 213.

Key words : Cotton, yield, nitrogen


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