Author:T.L. Neelima, V.B. Bhanu Murthy and A.V.Ramanjaneyulu
p-ISSN:0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol:94, Issue:jul-dec
DOI: is the result of interaction between genotype and environment (G x E). It is closely associated with many growth and yield attributing characters. This relation may be positive or negative. It can be studied through correlation. In other words, the systematic inter-relationship between the variables can be understood by using correlation (Rangaswamy, 2005). Path coefficient analysis helps in separating the direct effect from indirect effect by partitioning the correlation coefficients. The information on correlation and path coefficient studies in regular agronomic experiments is meagre. Hence, the present investigation was undertaken to assess and measure the magnitude of relationship between grain yield of rice and other characters.
Key words : Correlation, nitrogen, sunnhemp, green manure
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