Madras Agricultural Journal
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Leaf Crinkle Virus on urdbean seed yield and its quality


                                Among the viral diseases, Leaf Crinkle Virus (LCV) is an important disease in urdbean. This viral disease is common at Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Delhi (Nene, 1968 and Kadian, 1983). The seed- borne nature of LCV on urdbean was reported (Kolte and Nene, 1972 and Mali, 1991). The loss in grain yield of urbean was reported from 20.43 to 24.21 per cent due to this LCV infection during kharif (Pernae et al., 1997). Crinkling of leaves is an important symptom of this disease. Affected plants are stunted and showed partial and in severe cases complete sterility. Considering the severity of LCV, experiment on seed yield and seed quality parameters in urdbean was initiated.

Key words : Leaf Crinkle Virus, Kharif


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